OUR Services

Find out about the various ways we can kickstart and/or accelerate your medical career in Germany!

How can DOCTOR IN GERMANY (dig) help?

We offer different services tailored to your specific needs.

Our team will be happy to help you in any way we can. We strive to make your journey in Germany as smooth and effortless as possible.

We offer assistance and facilitation in the following areas :

German CV

Let us help you create/review your German CV/Resume and optimize it according to German standards. Let’s make your CV stand out!

German Cover Letter

A well-written German cover letter is essential to impress your future employer. Let us help you write it the right way!

1-on-1 Consulting Session

Get expert help and advice on anything related to moving to Germany and getting your medical license (Approbation). This includes the required steps, documents, exams, and going through the different options to getting your license as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Job Interview Preparation

That important day is getting closer, and you need to be well-prepared in order to impress! Our experts will guide you and conduct interview simulations with you, so that you appear your best!

Bureaucracy companion

Scared to face the German authorities all by yourself? Is your German not good enough to make your case? We’ll accompany you to the relevant German authority and will help you in both written and verbal communication.

Certified Translations

Every path to getting your medical license in Germany is associated with document translations. Let us help you find a certified translator that will be approved by the medical council, and facilitate all communication! We’ll negotiate the best rate possible for you!

Legal Counseling

Experiencing some setbacks with the German authorities and need legal counseling? We’ll find suitable legal representation for you, who is experienced with helping international doctors get their way in Germany!


Insurances in Germany are essential to your financial security and well-being when facing unexpected problems.  Let’s find the most suitable insurance plans as a doctor in Germany!

Anything Else?

Need help with something you couldn’t find on our services page? Contact us and mention your enquiry in detail, and we’ll see how we can help!

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 A Quick Hello

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